PHP Pro Course


Who is this course for:

  • You are already working in IT and want to expand your competencies – to do PHP development
  • Self-study, which was free of charge, has stalled you at a certain stage, and now you are looking for reliable PHP courses from scratch to clarify certain points for yourself
  • You’re a beginner and want to change your profession to do something you love and make money doing

Your study plan for the PHP Pro course:

  1. Web applications and the role of PHP in working with them
  2. The basics of the PHP language
  3. Working with arrays
  4. Basics of working with the version control system
  5. Functional programming
  6. Overview of built-in functions
  7. Filtering, data validation and working with the form
  8. Working with the file system
  9. Cookies, Sessions
  10. Relational model of databases
  11. Basic SQL queries
  12. MySQL: Database management systems (DBMS)
  13. Work on a joint project “Online store”
  14. Creating a CMS
  15. Hosting
  16. Linux basics
  17. Git basics
  18. Composer
  19. PHP 7.x
  20. OOP
  21. PSR standards
  22. Design templates, SOLID, DRY, KISS, YAGNI
  23. Reflection API
  24. Standard PHP Library (SPL)
  25. Security in PHP
  26. Debugging, error prevention, profiling, optimization
  27. REST
  28. Testing
  29. CI services: Travis CI, Scrutinizer CI
  30. Using Docker. Application containerization
  31. The MySQL database
  32. Service architecture
  33. Overview of popular frameworks
  34. MVC and Symfony 4 framework
  35. The components of Symfony
  36. How to write a resume and pass an interview